Online, Professional Quality Relationship / Health / Spiritual Healing and Transformation
Feb 16, 2024

Do You Have Questions about Pastoral Therapy: Here Are Some Answers

Brief Origins of Pastoral Counseling

Traditionally, there has been a gap between secular and the religious movements. Science and Religion just like liberal spirituality and conservative organized religion have gone from skeptical tolerance and outright disdain for one another up until more recently embracing and integrating with one another taking the best from both worlds. (1)

Historically,  religious counseling with its legalistic and dogmatic condemnation of scientific thought has made the general population understandably, very leery and uncomfortable as well as skeptical and dubious of any kind of benefit of an approach that comes out of religion.

For many years, secular traditional therapies followed suit and stayed on the side of science, while religious counseling stayed on the side of church doctrine.

However according to a news article in Newsweek (1)  “Science Finds God,”   In recent years, “theology and science are entering into a new relationship,” says physicist turned theologian Robert John Russell, who in 1981 founded the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.

The past confusion, skepticism  and fear of pastoral therapy brings up the need for more education for the public to give them a better understanding  of the dimensions of pastoral therapy especially modern pastoral therapy-  which has evolved along with science and behavioral psychology and operates today as a sophisticated and consolidated, integrative mind, body spirit psychotherapy in the broadest context. (1)

This evolution of integration has continued to bring science and religion and spirituality and evidenced based psychology together into a more modern pastoral therapy as a valid form of counseling and psychotherapy.

Pastoral Counseling has evolved through the years from religious counseling explaining dogma and/or spiritual counseling (compassionate care) to what is known today as Pastoral Counseling / Psychotherapy also know as Pastoral Therapy.  Pastoral Therapy which integrates theology, psychology and the behavioral sciences as well as the latest findings from quantum physics provides answers to today’s need for more than than piece meal fixes. It provides a total, comprehensive mind, body, relationship, spiritual context to help individuals, couples and business professionals return to their authentic self- connection or wholeness.

Today Pastoral Therapy has evolved to encompass state of the art evidenced based techniques to help individuals resolve physical emotional, mental issues as well as  teach couples relationship skills to resolve conflict on all levels and overcome relationship challenges.

It also has a unique gift in that it not only has an in depth understanding of relationships and how the mind works for and against itself, but also goes another step to focus on the spiritual dimension of life to to help individuals and couples incorporate healthy values and connect to their integrative needs to heal and transform the human condition.

Pastoral therapy has continually evolved taking the best from quantum science, behavioral psychology and spirituality to help the clients tap into their psychological insights and spiritual discernment as well as access intuitive resources to look at life differently and respond to their life situation from a boarder view.

When I was young,

I used to admire intelligent people,

as I grow older, I admire kind people.” Abraham Heachel

As the population gets older there is a pressing need to deal with the fragmentation taking place in our society. There is need to return to our original wholeness and authentic selves due to increasing global complexity and economic insecurity and resulting personal uncertainty and stress in our society. People are looking for answers and a fast tract to peace and fulfillment.

Pastoral counseling/psychotherapy or Pastoral Therapy is the best source to deal with any existential crisis. It has continually evolved from the 16 Century focusing primarily religious dogma interpretation to today as a state-of-the-art science with spirituality incorporating the latest behavioral science of psychology, quantum physics and the latest discoveries in principles and techniques in spirituality and mind, body, spirit healing.

In past centuries, science and religion were at best skeptical opposites and could barely tolerate each other. Religious counseling in the past, with its legalistic and dogmatic condemnation of scientific thought, has made the general population leery and uncomfortable and rightfully, skeptical of any kind of benefit of an approach that comes out of religion. However, today there is a vase difference between the religious counseling of the past and the Pastoral Counseling and/or Faith Based Psychotherapy of today.

Today Pastoral Therapy offers the best from science and spirituality to help clients tap into optimum well-being as well as access intuitive resources to look at life differently and respond to life from a broader, holistic or more authentic view

Pastoral Therapy has evolved along with science and behavioral psychology and operates today as a sophisticated and consolidated, integrative mind, body spirit psychotherapy in the broadest context.

Science and religion and/or spirituality have evolve into a collaborative mutual understanding and consensuses when it comes to providing healing and growth for the public.(1) Newsweek, “Science Finds God”

The general population, however, has not kept up with the evolution of pastoral counseling/ psychotherapy. Many have missed out on the benefits of today’s 21st century pastoral counseling and psychotherapy. There is also confusion today about what constitutes Pastoral Counseling / Psychotherapy and how it compares with traditional secular counseling and psychotherapy.

What is Pastoral Therapy?

According to The American Psychological Association, (APA) (2) “Pastoral Counseling/Psychotherapy  is centered in theory and research on the interaction of religion and science, spirituality and health, and spiritual direction and psychotherapy.

The APA specifically states “A counselor receives advanced training in one or several of the behavioral sciences (often psychology specifically) in addition to religious training, theological training, or both. Pastoral counseling uses existing psychological and therapeutic models and incorporates faith-based ideas.”

The American Psychological Association, definition of Pastoral Counseling is “Pastoral Counseling is a form of counseling or psychotherapy in which insights and principles derived from theology and the behavioral sciences are used to help individuals, couples, families, and groups achieve healing and growth.” (2 )

While individual pastoral counselors may represent specific religions, the concept and framework of pastoral counseling is not tied to any one religion or faith. Pastoral Counseling, Pastoral Psychotherapy, and Faith Based Therapy/Counseling are all generic forms for the same term.

According to the American Association of Pastoral Counselors (3) The Counseling Center, Pastoral Counseling is a unique form of psychotherapy that combines both psychological and spiritual understanding for healing and growth.

Pastoral counselors (3) can range from ordained ministers like priests, chaplains, and rabbis to practicing as certified, ordained faith based psychotherapists, like myself, who provide a specialty of faith based counseling and psychotherapy.

Pastoral Counselors or Therapist can also come from any religious background and can be found in multiple settings—congregations counseling centers, inpatient programs, and private practice, among others.

Personal Note

I have studied the religions and philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christian Theology and lived for several years in a Siddha Yoga Ashram. I have experienced value and transformation in all of them. I mainly identify as Christian but have enormous respect for all paths to God or Self-Realization.

The common focus of my practice is on spiritual integrative values and mind, body healing and integration toward Self Realization. Pastoral Therapy is for anyone who wishes to become aware of the power of the unseen dimension of life as a healing force, releasing them from mind, body, relationship limitations and bondage.

Any individual, couple or business professional is welcome to see me especially those who refuses to be a hostage to the chains of self-limiting beliefs and confined by self limiting stories or of external influences leading to repeated disappointment, emptiness and disillusionment.

I am Awake

It is said that soon after his enlightenment the Buddha passed a man on the road who was struck by the Buddha’s extraordinary radiance and peaceful presence. The man stopped and asked

Are you a god. No, the Buddha said.

Are you a Teacher, No, replied the Buddha, Are you a man? No answered Buddha, “Then what are you?” the questioner asked.

I am awake,” was the reply.

What Are My Goals As A Pastoral Therapist

I support all my clients to learn skills and remove blocks to become more conscious and intentional in their lives. I welcome anyone who is receptive and wishes to wake up and become the master instead of disaster in their personal, family, career and spiritual lives.

Many individuals, especially those who grew up in dysfunctional families,  suffer from miss-education and miss-perception.  Parents unintentionally neglect, reject or even emotionally abuse their children by harsh criticism.   

Children before the age of 12 are great sensors but poor interpreters of their parents actions.  Children personalize everything,  particularly  the effects of past trauma from their own childhood miss-perceptions and unmet needs in childhood. Childhood trauma often results in self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors from self-fulfilling stories and stuck energy patterns.

The main goal of Pastoral Therapy, like traditional secular counselors, is to help clients correct childhood trauma beliefs and improve coping skills, but unlike traditional counseling go beyond healing childhood trauma to achieve an integration of mind, body and spirit healing. 

Integration of spiritual values not only helps the client to  resolve negative beliefs/feelings of from childhood but also instills more confidence in their newly acquired integrative values giving them greater, ultimate meaning and purpose. 

My work goes beyond traditional therapy which only looks at what’s wrong with you to discovering the beauty of your authentic self which expresses heart radiance to be a place for Spirit to shine.

My goal, as a therapist, is to provide my clients practical, easy to learn, concrete skills, they can use right away to resolve conflict on all levels and gain a fast track to peace. Simply put, I help clients to remove barriers to giving and receiving love and realign themselves with their authentic self and reality.

I teach individuals, couples, Parents and Children how to improve their connection to their authentic self and increase their compassion for self and other. All of our programs at our center offer complete healing from the ground up to the spiritual dimension of life to heal and transform all aspects of the human condition.

I studied for several years under Thomas Hora, M.D. P.C. A recipient of the Karen Horney Award for Outstanding Innovations in Psychiatry. Dr. Hora believe that most of our suffering was due to miss-education and miss-perception of reality. Dr Hora  postulated that when we are connected to our “Ultimate Source” and completely free to give and receive love, we are connected to our Original Wholeness (we are UN-broken) and we come into alignment with our Authentic True Selves.

Our Authentic Self is an embodiment of our spirituality as peace, assurance, gratitude and love (PAGL). When you are in PAGL all things work for the good and all things are possible. I teach my clients the practice of PAGL which is considered optimum mental health in my approach to counseling. (5)

Pastoral Therapy, as I practice it, includes the latest evidence based behavior, relationship and success science, including various forms of energy psychology and energy healing principles and techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.

I also offer advanced communication skills for individuals and couples with the latest Relationships Experts such as Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., Imago Relationship Therapy, Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D. Non-Violent Communication, Sue Johnson, Ph.D. Emotionally Focused Therapy and others to help individuals and couples resolve conflict and enrich their relationship. I also teach concrete skills to resolve conflict and improve intimacy. (see How I Can Help / Couples Counseling)

What’s the Difference between Religious Counseling

and Pastoral Psychotherapy?

According to the Association for Pastoral Counselors (3) Pastoral Psychotherapy is very different from religious counseling which is usually provided by religious leaders and may or may not include religious teachings /doctrine. Religious and or Christian Counseling are separate categories with different goals from Pastoral or Faith Based Counseling.

Pastoral Counseling/ Psychotherapist does not promote rigid dogma of any kind. Many Pastoral Counselors including myself do not promote any particular religion. I respect all clients who have a particular religious view and if they are receptive, I will incorporate and support their religious view into the counseling process to deepen their faith.

Do I Have To Be Religious To See A Pastoral Therapist?

Absolutely not!   In my practice, you do not have to be religious or have any religious affiliation to see me as a therapist. I have non-religious individuals and even atheist participate in my practice and benefit from my counseling. Many have found that because of my practical, solution oriented approach, not only have they resolved their original issues, but they have found deeper meaning and connection to themselves and their own spirituality.

I have over thirty years of experiences and a broad range of skills and treatment methods to successfully resolve any number of issues in therapy. Also because of my integration of behavioral science and spiritual principles and practices, I can offer clients greater insight and gain greater fulfillment with concrete solutions to deal with complicated interpersonal issues of marriage and work relationships.

What are Some Issues Pastoral Therapy Can Resolve?

Pastoral Therapy also offers a unique perspective in that it not only has an in depth understanding of successful relationships and optimum mental health but also how the egoistic mind works for and against itself. Dr. Thomas Hora, M.D. P.C who I trained under has stated that “All Problems Are Psychological and All Solutions Are Spiritual. (15)

See Testimonies

Some areas I have been successful with in my practice of pastoral therapy include:

      • Preparing for Marriage or Adjusting to Divorce
      • Marriage Counseling, Enrichment and Conflict Resolution
      • Success Coaching Career issues, Resolving Self Sabotage
      • Childhood Trauma
      • Grieving the Loss of a Loved One
      • Coping with Stress and Symptoms / Illness
      • Understanding The Meaning of Life’s Conflicts and Challenges
      • Reducing Anxiety, Depression and Disconnection in life.
      • Handling major life Changes, Times of Transition, or a Life Crisis
      • Parenting Difficulties
      • Processing Difficult or Traumatic Life Events
      • Counseling for Adolescents and for Parents and Families
      • Integrating Faith with Daily Life
      • Improving Self Esteem
      • Strengthening Relationships (including with oneself significant others and with God)
      • Working through conflicts (including a crisis of faith)
      • Spiritual Direction
      • Life Transitions and Other issues

What Is Pastoral Therapy Today?

Pastoral psychotherapy today has become a credible and viable alternative to traditional mental health therapy. Pastoral Therapy is unique, in that it not only helps the individual cope with day to day challenges, but it can also go beyond daily stress challenges to help the individual come into contact with greater meaning and purpose.

Pastoral therapy unlike traditional secular therapy has the unique task of helping clients improve coping skill by finding fulfillment in the spiritual dimension of existence and provides the client a larger context to heal all of their problems.(8) According the the American Association for Pastoral Counseling (AAPC), (6)

Pastoral psychotherapy today is a powerful therapy based on the latest evidence based techniques to promote healing and growth. Pastoral Counseling and psychotherapy today is a major provider of mental health services in this country, accounting for over 3 million hours of treatment annually in both institutional and private settings. (6)

Today pastoral therapy has become an effective, integrated mind, body, spirit therapeutic approach, which combines the latest research from evidenced, based behavioral sciences and quantum physics along with the latest research from marriage therapy, spiritual psychology and modern spiritual psychology. Pastoral therapy has been shown to be successful in dealing with various physical, emotional, mental, as well as the spiritual challenges facing people today. (6).

Health care professionals are starting to recognize that patients, who have a strong spiritual support, have a tendency to heal faster and better. Even those who are terminally ill are more peaceful about their exit when supported by faith based therapy because they have more of an assurance about their here after. (10)

Is There Really A Need For Pastoral Psychotherapy?

Although interest in organized religion has been declining since the 1950s, the interest in spirituality has gone up. (Although religion still remains popular among conservatives, study after study has shown that people are leaving organized religion in masses. (19), (20), (21). (22)

Church participation and attendance has steadily declined since the 1950s (18). This is especially true among the younger population. In spite of the decline of religion, however, many individuals are seeking help from pastoral therapists.

As the population gets older, there is a pressing need to deal with the fragmentation taking place in our society.  Due to increasing global complexity and economic insecurity and resulting personal/relationship stresses in our society, people are looking for answers and a fast tract to peace.   Gallup has been asking Americans whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied with their personal lives since 1979. Gallup found that in the year 2024, personal satisfaction is at an all time low.

A 2024 Gallup Poll   found that less than half of Americans surveyed stated that they were satisfied with their lives.   According to a google search 33% of the population  report being stressed and tired, lonely, anxious and depressed.  There is a vague apprehension (free floating anxiety) that is becoming increasingly prevalent in our society.   There are growing suspicions,   we have somehow loss our way.   We are uncertain of our sense of who we are and we are disconnected from  our true purpose and fulfillment.

Pastoral therapy is not only becoming popular also because many individuals are looking for answers for both secular and spiritual resources. (19) (20) (21) (22)

 There is also increasing research that shows increased spirituality is beneficial for health.

As a 2018 study explains, spirituality is a broader term referencing experiences or states of being that envelop a person, whereas spiritual health is something one can cultivate or work toward. Spirituality can take a different form for everyone. Spiritual health can apply to any type of spirituality or religion.

While spirituality is a source of potential that everyone can access if they wish, spiritual health is a spectrum on which everyone falls. Because of this, it is much more concrete.

Below are some of the common traits in  spiritually healthy people:

Reserved and thoughtful slow to have emotional reactions even to life’s great challenges

Ability to recognize own mistakes and take responsibility

A healthy ability to feel and express emotions and needs

A capacity for deep compassion and empathy for others

Sensitive to own needs as well as the needs of others.

Daily practices of quiet time with spiritual sanctuary to help process hardships, changes, and emotions

An ability to deal with the challenges posed by other humans with kindness and understanding

Flexible beliefs that can adjust as needed to new circumstances or information

Mindfulness and presence when eating, exercising, working, and enjoying time with loved ones

Ability to be aware and present to one own values, appreciations and well as others.

The ability to explain one’s inner state to others, if necessary or requested to do so.

If you don’t recognize these traits in yourself, that’s what Pastoral Therapy is for. Spiritual Values take time to cultivate.

Gerald De Sobe, PhD, past president of the American Association For Pastoral Therapist AAPC is reported to say that “It is interesting to note that not only is this a time of increased emphasis on therapy, but also a time of increased interest in spirituality,” “Combining these two areas in a person’s life in helpful and healing ways is what pastoral counselors do.”(6)

Dr Jack Finnergan (9) shares that we all yearn for a transforming connection with the Divine and pastoral therapy is a way to help us find it. Pastoral Therapists like Traditional Therapists help individuals adjust and improve coping skills to better meet needs, however, their ultimate goal is not simply to help the client adjust to societal norms, but to help the client find the peace that passeth understanding or the peace of God or spiritual union.

Pastoral therapist use evidenced based behavioral and psychological principles and methods but also spiritual methods of awareness training and healing such as prayer, meditation, contemplation, existential inquiry, energy psychology, spiritual principles and intuition. Ultimately any method that allows connection with the Divine is useful to the pastoral therapist in supporting the client’s spiritual practice and promote the highest good of the client.

Carl Jung has been quoted as saying in his writings  Modern Man in Search of a Soul “Among all my patients in the second half of life–that is to say, over thirty five – there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious (spiritual) outlook on life. (7)

Jung was not talking about religious rigid dogma or creeds or even seeking a church membership. He was talking about understanding our essential nature, our spiritual core.  We all need to discover and have an experience of something  greater than a limited view of ourselves in daily life. He also defined psycho-neurosis as the suffering of a human being who has not discovered what life is about in the broadest perspective an what life means to him.

As far as the need for Pastoral Therapy,  Thomas More in his book “Care of the Soul.” states that the major “complaints of our time” include; emptiness, meaninglessness, vague depression, disillusionment about life including unfulfilling marriage, relationships, and a loss of values are all symptoms of loss of Soul (God/Spirit Connection). He states this is a major issue to be resolved and lets us know that spiritual connection is what the Soul craves. The idea of being out of touch with our Soul is indicative of a need for methods to help us find our way home to our spiritual center and original nature. (8)

      • Bibliography:
      1. Newsweek, “Science Finds God”
      3. American Association for Pastoral Counseling (AAPC), and
      5. Existential Metapsychiatry: Thomas Hora MD … –
      8. Thomas Moore “Care of the Soul” Care of the Soul : A Guide for Cultivating Depth and …
      9. Dr Jack Finnergan “Pastoral Counseling and Psychotherapy: Personal Reflections.
      11. (PARADE Spirituality Poll was conducted by Insight Express among a national online panel of adults ages 18 and over. Surveys were completed by 1,051 respondents from May 8-12, 2009Poll, April 2009,)
      13. Spiritual issues in counseling: Clients’ beliefs and Psychological Association by EM Rose – ‎2008 – ‎Cited by 289 – ‎Related articles Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, Vol S(1), Aug 2008, 18-33. … Type: Journal Article; Reprint; Digital Object Identifier:;
      14. Pathways of Light Https://
      16. Help From Above: In Times of Trouble, Growing Numbers of ……
      17. Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D.
      18. Quotes by Eckhart Tolle (Author of The Power of Now)
      19. The Decline of American Religion? – The Association of … …/chaves.pd
      20. Decline of Religion – Huffington Post
      21. America’s Changing Religious Landscape | Pew Research Center May 12, 2015 – The Christian share of the U.S. population is declining, while the  share of Americans who do not identify with any organized religion is growing.
      22. The Real Reason Religion Is Declining In America ..…/the-real-reason-.. Psychology Today May 27, 2015 –
      25. . connected-devices
      26. A Course In Miracles, Text, Workbook and Manual

Dr Timothy J. Ryan, Ph.D.,D.Div is the founder, director and lead counselor for The Association for Integration of The Whole Person AIWP Miracles Ministry are 501 (c) (3) Non Profit, Spiritual, Religious, Charitable Organizations EIN #95-3455451 AIWP Miracles Ministry is Dedicated To Remove Remove Barriers To Love, Healing and Enriching Relationships, To Promote A More Conscious, Intentional and Compassionate World.