Online, Professional Quality Relationship / Health / Spiritual Healing and Transformation

Areas of Specialization


“All Problems are Psychological, All Solutions are Spiritual”

Join me and discover the real meaning behind your challenges


Not only do I practice as a faith based Holistic Healer, I also specialize in Mind, Body Spirit Integration and Healing with the most powerful evidenced based skill training techniques in individual and couples relationship well-being and enrichment.
I also show you gentle techniques to remove blocks to return you to your original nature or a state of wholeness.   I teach people the art and science of wholeness for the ultimate mind, body spirit healing and transformation.   I can also help you to reclaim your aliveness to have greater choice over your Health, Wealth and Relationships Fulfillment. 
See Article on Quest For Personal Healing and Transformation.
The Returning to Love Skill Training Program has incorporated state of the art principles and skills, from more than twenty years of research, into a comprehensive faith based perspective and training to help couples see their relationship as a spiritual path. We teach concrete skills and healing principles through private counseling, workshops, and support groups.

HOW I CAN HELP YOU ( Click Here to See Testimonies )

I have thirty years of a proven & successful track record in helping thousands of individuals and couples discover and eliminate the root causes of unhappiness.


I love teaching fast, easy to learn problem solving skills to transform any kind of conflict and help you learn how to better give and receive love. Whether you come in as an individual, couple, family or parent wanting help with children,


Whether you come in to improve your relationship, your health or improve your ability to be more successful, I will show you the root cause of your issues and help you eliminate them. Sessions are by phone, internet and in person. Call today and take the first step to a new relationship and a new life. In just a few sessions you will gain  insight and the skills necessary for a fast track to peace and create a brighter more fulfilling and satisfying future.


Although, Dr. Ryan has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, he does not practice as a state licensed Psychologist Psychiatrist or Traditional Mental Health Worker.  


As stated in The Health and Wellness Agreement,  his intention is to solely improve mind, body, spirit health as an adjunct to medical care, and as such, his services do not include diagnosing or attempting to cure pathology or treat any form of physical mental illness or disease which constitutes the conventional practice of psychology and medicine.  Dr Ryan’s desire is to work with you as a spiritual person who wishes to learn skills for spiritual awakening and healing of a mind, body, and spiritual nature to promote self-empowerment, which is beyond the clinical realm of diagnosing or treating pathology.”

(Click on a drop down below to view my Areas of Specialization)

Need for Communication, Partnering, Understanding, Support For Your Needs To Matter, Resolve Loneliness, To Have Shared Reality, Remove Blocks to Intimacy Because of Unresolved Grief, Loss, Guilt, Regret, Anger, Addictions, Poor Communication Skills, Conflict with Repeated Arguments, Unresolved Conflict, Inability to Sustain Emotional Intimacy, Sexual Intimacy, Obsessive Worry, How To Get Past Mistakes, Support Going Through Divorce and Separation, Learning From Past Relationship Mistakes, Infidelity, Finances, Infertility. Skill Training For Resolving Frustration, Remove Barriers to Love, Increased Heart Connection, Emotional Intimacy Compassion. Understand Soul Contract, Understanding Differences, Imago Skills for Healing Past Wounds – Disowned Denied Shadow Parts, Need for Appreciation, Celebration, Upgrading or Enriching Relationship – Increase Quality Connection, Joy Aliveness and Having Fun.

Co Parenting, Single Parenting, Blended Family, Teen Age Rebellion, Power Struggles, Communication Problems, Stress, Unresolved Grief, Loss, Guilt, Regret, Obsessive Worry, Withdrawal, Isolation, Anger, Anxiety, Panic, School Behavior Problems, Academic Problems Under/Over Achiever, Bullying, Extended Family, Care Taker Stress, Aging Parent and How To Balance One’s Own Self Care

Difficulty Coping. Anxiety, Anger, Stress, Overwhelm, Repeated Patterns of Sabotage. Disconnection, Isolation, Limiting Beliefs, Depression, Self Esteem, Unresolved Past Regrets, Loneliness, Isolation, Fears, Phobias, Panic, Stress, Worry, Parent Worker, Therapist Burn Out, Care Giver, Anger, Guilt, Forgiveness Sleep Disorders, Unresolved Grief, Trauma, Childhood Wounds,

Understanding the Meaning of Symptoms, Resolving Long Standing Injuries, Understanding the Mind/Body Connection, Improved Coping with Stress and META Health Healing Understanding and working with Chronic Illness, Cancer, Chronic Pain Symptoms, Shoulder, Back, Knee Pain Reduction, Recovery from Addiction, Co-Dependency Drug/Alcohol Recovery Support, Physical /Emotional Issues, Compulsions, General Health and Wellness Recovery

Free Your Past, Empower Your Future from Self Sabotage, Perfectionism, Care Taking, Exaggerated Responsibility, Unresolved Grief, Anger Guilt, Problems Coping with Relationships, Success, Intimacy, Health Issues, Unresolved Past, Trauma (accident), Trauma (sexual), Trauma/Abuse/PTSD.

Success Success Coaching, Business Relationship Improvement, Coping with Financial Loss, Taking Your Business To The Next Level, Business Visioning, Stress Management, Burn Out, Career and Life Transition,

Unresolved Issues with Religion, God, Spiritual Matters, Meaning and Purpose Death, Bereavement, Need For Spiritual Essence Connection, Values, How to Be a Beneficial Presence, Cultivating Spiritual Qualities and Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Meaning of Illness/Problems, Spiritual Growth, Authenticity, Understanding Ego vs. Spiritual Values, Mind Body, Heart Integration, Presence Connection, Inner Peace, Security and Contentment, Support for Weddings, Funerals, Life Transitions, , Celebration Re-Birth, Aliveness, How to Be Happy, Have Fun, Enjoy Creativity.