Online, Professional Quality Relationship / Health / Spiritual Healing and Transformation

Returning to Love Relationship Counseling

The Returning to Love Program is a blend of the latest research with practical applications from proven relationship healing principles and practices.

Are You Hungry for Skills to Improve the Quality of Your Relationship?

Individual Couples Counseling

I believe that how we deal with our relationships is the number one factor contributing to our greater success, happiness and enrichment in life. I am passionate about teaching individuals and couples Parents and Children the necessary skills to stay safe, stay connected and continually grow and enrich meaningful satisfying relationships.



In my six or twelve week Returning to Love Program, I will support you in a step by step skill training process to teach you A-Z how to resolve conflict and have more aliveness and passion in your relationships. I teach practical skills you can use right away to improve your communication and create safety and understanding. I use the best and most relevant applications from a number of Relationship healing programs such as: Emotionally Focused Therapy by Sue Johnson, Ph.D., Imago Relationship Therapy, by Harville Hendrix Ph.D.; Mars Venus Theory by John Gray; Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. the latest research from John Gottman and Gary Chapman “Love Language

I also introduce you to Energy Healing Practices from EFT, META Healing, Energy Psychology and innovators like Dr. Emoto “Messages From Water” and ” The Enneagram by Don Riso., as well as many other state of the art cutting edge leading researchers.

Over Eighty percent of our couples strengthen and improve their relationships and say they consider the Returning to Love Program successful. Many of our couples who do not stay together say they are better partners and have better communication skills than may of their married friends.

Dr. Ryan has put the best evidenced based relationship approaches into a comprehensive system of relationship enrichment skills where couples can gain valuable tools to tranform their relationships. He provides in person and on-line or phone Holistic Mind, Body Spirit Faith Based Healing as well as Parent Child and Couples Returning to Love Marriage Skill Training.

Dr. Ryan specializes in proven, easy to use powerful techniques to heal and transform any obstacle or disconnection into connection and success. He will give you the tools you need to heal old wounds with limiting beliefs or any repeating emotional behavioral self-sabotaging pattern.

He has a proven and successful track record in helping thousands of individuals discover and eliminate the root causes of unhappiness.


He has worked with thousands of clients and has numerous testimonies ( See Testimonies ) reporting success at quickly reducing stress, conflict and gaining concrete skills to enrich all aspects of life.

There are many of our client’s testimonies that attest that I am easy to talk to and have been enormously helpful resolving their issues. See testimonies

For the past thirty years, Dr. Ryan has been helping, Adults, Couples, Parents and Children, as well as Business Professionals ground with their bodies, lead with their hearts and soar with their spirits. In addition to specializing in couples therapy,` see article Quest for Wholeness.

He loves seeing couples gain insight and understanding and build bridges not wall. I believe relationship healing is the best way to up-grade the world by transforming relationships one at a time.

If you are struggling with any relationship issue, I can help you to better understand yourself and learn skills to communicate authentically and compassionately so you have a more meaningful relationship and satisfying life. These skills will transform all aspects of your present and future relationships.


NEWPORT BEACH October 5, 2013 — Timothy Ryan Ph.D. D.Division. has been selected for the 2013 Best of Newport Beach Award in the Family Counseling category by the Newport Beach Award Program


Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2013 Newport Beach Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Newport Beach Award Program and data provided by third parties.


SOURCE: Newport Beach Award Program

CONTACT:Newport Beach Award Program

Timothy Ryan Ph.D. D.Division. Receives 2013 Best Family Counselor Award For Newport Beach

Newport Beach BEST FAMILY COUNSELOR Award Program Honors Dr. Timothy Ryan for His Achievements in offering state of the art Compassionate Listening and Conflict Dissolving Skills to Bring Couples Closer together.


Dr Timothy Ryan is a Board Certified Relationship Expert He has help thousands of individuals to learn advanced communication skills to resolve conflicts and create greater joy and happiness in their relationships. Clients report that the techniques they have learned have help them enrich all aspects of their lives.

Hoping For Change Will Only Work To A Point

With the divorce rate at 51%, and extreme economic uncertainty, we understand that the human family is in crisis. Individuals, couples and families who are stressed are not functioning at their best with with advanced communication skills. With on-going stress individuals and couples face depleting physical, emotional mental and spiritual resources which create severe challenges to financial and relationship stability.

It’s estimated that 97% of the population want better relationships but only 3% actually have the skills to enjoy meaningful connection. With increasing stress and uncertainty and limited skills, relationships suffer increasing disconnection and greater chance of divorce. The scars of divorce carry on giving the second marriage even higher rates of divorce. A recent poll in Orange County discovered that over 50% of singles have given up the idea of dating because of repeated disappointment and the conclusion that “It’s too painful.”


The most common response when in crisis is to procrastinate. However, if we procrastinate, we’re choosing not to take action and not only are we we’re delaying our dreams – maybe for a few years or maybe forever but we are resigning ourselves to accept the relationship we have now is the best it can be and we are reinforcing the habits that keep us stuck in the first place.


We invite individuals, couples, families, and anyone who is receptive to learning and growth, to come in for a counseling session. You will receive support and coaching to learn principles and skills to transform all aspects of your life and relationship patterns.Unless we acknowledge our relationship needs improvement and we are willing to invest in learning skills and strategies to change sabotaging patterns we will never have the relationship of our dreams.

There is an Old Chinese Proverb that says:
“If You Don’t Change the Direction You Are Heading, You Will End Up Where You are Going…”

When We Delay, We Miss Out On Life

The Gotman research foundation after twenty years of relationship research has identified the qualities that make a difference in being masters or disasters in relationships. One of the findings is that “on average, couples wait six years from the first signs of problems before they seek help. This finding suggest that couples who wait risk establishing chronically negative thought and behavior patterns which increase health risks and keep the relationship from growing and resolving issues.”


It’s common to put off facing what doesn’t work for us. We tell ourselves that we will do something about it when the kids get older or when I get out of debt, when I’m stronger or perhaps when the kids are grown etc. Relationships often unconsciously reinforce one another to settle for getting by rather than learn how to take the relationship to the next level.


The other part of delaying our dreams is that when we continually procrastinate, we become more and more helpless, we get resigned to our fate maybe forever and we are reinforcing the very habits that keep us from having any chance of gaining the relationship of our dreams.


The ideal time to live our dreams is now. Unfortunately to step into the life we were meant to have takes the skill of understanding and the ability to remove our blocks or limitations. To face our limitations takes courage but it’s a necessary step to knowing how to get what we want. To truly live our dreams, we must be also connected to our passion. If we don’t get support to overcome our our past and present fears and limiting beliefs, we will only repeat the same mistakes and end up in the same situation again and again. With support and skill training we to open the doors to self understanding, self connection, and self healing, we expand into a new awareness of our self free of any restraints and we become who we learn how to give and receive the love we were truly meant to have in our relationships.

We Support Couples and Individuals To Discover That Conflict Can Open Doors To Greater Intimacy

Now Is The Time

Don’t let another day go by reinforcing helplessness and self sabotaging relationship habits. Now is the time to learn how to get and receive the love. Make an investment in yourself that you are truly worthy of learning skills to be the best you and have the best relationship ever.


The time to do it is today when you’re most able to enjoy it. As we get older we get more entrenched in our set ways and dysfunctional habits. The time to be free is now. Have the relationship of your dreams not your nightmares, before it’s too late.


Nothing changes if nothing changes. It’s important to take some action and learn how to communicate authentically and create a passionate relationship. We teach you concrete skills how to resolve conflict and commit to a vision that works for both of you. You will get step by step support on how to take your relationship to the next level. Join us today and learn concrete skills you can use right away to be successful. Understand where your are in your life and make note of where you want to be

Healing in One Area Usually Translates Into Healing In Other Areas of Your Life

Once you are willing to address the conflict, you can transform all your relationship patterns.  All the energy you’ve held back and repressed will be available for you to fully express your highest good for you and your partner.  You can use your conflict to be a doorway to better understand and lean better ways to meet each other’s needs.


In our Returning to Love Program we teach you  skills to authentically self connect and express your needs honesty through the practice of compassionate dialoguing as well as better understanding of feelings and needs of your partner.

In Just Six Sessions – You Could See Your Relationship Totally Change

In our step by step skill training program, we teach you A to Z everything you need to be successful within your self and within your relationships. We first teach you to focus on what you want not on what you don’t want. We teach you the skills to remove block to giving and receiving love to connect you to your passion and aliveness becoming your best self and having your best relationships ever. We offer you the tools you need to free yourself and enrich yourself to move to the next level.

We offer you the tools you need to free yourself from limiting beliefs and habit patterns and support you with concrete skills to move forward to the next level. Whether it’s learning Advanced Communication skills for more meaningful relationships or skills to heal child hood wounds, we give you the support you need to become more intentional to make progress and see results right away. You will have personal and relationship understanding tools to help you become your best self and have your best relationship ever.


In just as few as six sessions, you will understand your challenges from a completely different point of view. You will learn how to overcome defensive reactions and understand the root causes of your problems. You will learn how to listen emphatically and and better understand the real issues. You will have strategies to be more proactive with successful behavior patterns which allow you to have a more meaningful satisfying partnership. By the end of the program you and your partner will have tools to create more understanding, aliveness, and meaningful connection. You will begin to realize the relationship of your dreams not your nightmares.

We teach you the skills to remove blocks that you may unconsciously engage in that sabotage you from being your best self. We teach you to be present to your natural ability to give and receive love. We show you how to connect with your passion and aliveness and teach you language skills of the heart to become your best self and enjoy your best relationship ever.


You will see your relationship and each other totally differently. You will be able to overcome conflict and transform your negative energy into positive energy and your disconnection into connection. You will learn skills to make your relationship a safe place to better understand each others love language and discover better ways to support each other. We offer you a safe, relaxed and comfortable setting to learn powerful trans formative conflict resolution and intimacy enrichment skills to continually improve your relationship on your own.

We Are Excited To Offer State of the Art Principles and Skills That Can Transform Your Relationship

Skills include practices from Eckhart Tolle- Presence Process, . N.L.P META Communication and Excellence, Emotionally Focus Therapy – Sue Johnson, Nonviolent Communication – Marshall Rosenberg,Ph.D, Imago Relationship Therapy – Harville Hendrix, Ph.D, Energy Psychology Couples Therapy and various other practical modalities that have research backing and have proven to be effective such as John Gray Mars and Venus Counseling Principles and understanding male and female biology.

In the Advance Returning to Love Program, we teach you how to understand your conflict as an expression of childhood wounds and unmet needs. You learn that every upset has a percentage of the past in it. You will continue to practice compassionate listening skills and learn how to be self /other connected to underlying needs. You will learn how to use the Presence Process to create a calming effect for you and your partner.

You will also discover your soul contract with your partner and learn how to heal and integrate your lost disowned parts to to return to wholeness. By the end of the program, you will know each others love language and discover that needs are never in conflict. The result of practicing the principles and skills of the program will open a portal to develop greater pleasure and intimacy that comes from compassionate connecting. The time to begin healing and enriching your relationship is now. Join us and learn skills and concrete action steps to take your relationship to the next level.

We Offer You A Safe Place To Recognize The Real Issues And Learn What To Do About Them

We help you to understand your problems from a broader context and give you the skills you need to shift to more proactive, successful behavior patterns which allow you to create more understanding, aliveness, and meaningful connections in your relationships.


In our counseling sessions we teach you how to connect with Presence (non reactive listening) vs. Reactive defensive listening. We also teach you Advance listening skills of Compassionate Listening to heal, integrate conflicting views and return to a deeper more meaningful connection to yourself and others. Intimacy is having the ability to “In To Me See” with each other. The goal of the Returning to Love Program is to support you to embody concrete skills you can use for the rest of your life to have a more meaningful connection to yourself and others. By the end of the program you will have gained the safety to trust to better understand and have confidence to know how to better give and receive love and experience grater joy and satisfaction in all your relationships.

Being married, or living with someone significant,
in mid-life reduces the risk
of developing late-life Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
by 50% in comparison to those who live alone.

Emphasis is On Enjoyment of Learning ~ With Life Time Practical Skills

In our Returning to Love Skill Training Program for singles and couples, you learn new ways to connect, meet basic needs and use conflict as a means for personal and spiritual growth. This results in greater safety and increased capacity for compassion, intimacy, personal and spiritual growth.We teach skills to help you connect to heart language (feelings and Needs) and learn how to become co-healers for a more loving relationship. Yes, even conflict can actually bring you closer together if you know how to listen and authentically express you own truth.



  1. Dr Ryan will support and guide you in a step-by-step learning process.
  2. You will learn skills that you can use right away for greater personal growth, healing, and relationship enrichment.
  3. You will learn how to develop the innate spiritual potential of your relationship.
  4. You will discover how a healing compassionate connection to your partner and yourself connects you to the transcendent.


We also teach you how to reconnect to your natural state of joy based on your knowing your own and each others wholeness. “Nothing can be added or taken away when Love is your only Source.” We define mental health as awareness and embodiment of Peace, Assurance, Gratitude, and Love.


The Returning to Love Program has everything you need to help you: (1) Learn Advanced Communication skills, (2) Heal child hood wounds which underlie your repeated conflicts; (3) Gain insight into each other’s Love Language to create more pleasure and affection; (4) Create a solid foundation of safety for greater intimacy with better skills of understanding and compassionate; (5) Create more confidence to empower your relationship with follow through requests for accountability and increased trust for a better partnership.